As I talk about in my e-book, "Therapist's Guide to Branding Yourself Online," as a therapist, you probably already have a brand, you just don't know what it is.
To have a strong brand, you must be clear about who you are and who you are not. A successful brand as a therapist must be authentic -- it must reflect your unique personal attributes or qualities.
To cultivate the brand that will help you reach your goals, you must understand and be able to articulate and communicate what makes you exceptional and compelling.
In talking with many therapists, however, they have a hard time with this!
You may think that by articulating a specific niche area you work with that you will only be able to work with clients with this issue or presenting problem. On the contrary! If you are known as a specialist, you are more likely to get general referrals -- simply because your name is more well known.
If you are interested in learning more about branding yourself and marketing your private practice online, purchase the 20-page e-book.
You'll learn:
- Whether or not you are "digitally distinct" (page 3)
- 11 questions to help you identify what makes you unique as a therapist (page 4)
- Five things you must consider when writing your online profile (page 7)
- Strategies to attract your "ideal" client (page 8)
- Specific tips for writing an online profile (page 11)
- How to turn visitors to your online bio/profile into clients (page 14)
- What one thing can attract 50-70 percent more inquiries to your profile (page 15)
- How to drive prospects to your online presence (page 16)
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