What Makes You Unique as a Therapist?

When prospects are searching for a therapist, they really want to know, “Why should I choose you instead of someone else?” How are you different?

Develop your brand in such a way that it could only describe you. 

Ask yourself: Would another therapist be able to use this brand?

What makes you unique as a therapist?
You can begin by answering these questions:
  • What kinds of clients do you most enjoy working with? (Teenagers? Senior citizens? Men, more than women?)
  • What training do you have to qualify you to specialize in a specific area? (Are you an EMDR Level II therapist?)
  • What life experiences have you had that would be valuable to others? (Are you a step-parent, for example)?
  • What makes you different from other therapists? (For example, English isn’t your native language or you know American Sign Language.)
  • What is your treatment philosophy and theoretical orientation? (Do you incorporate mindfulness principles into your therapy?)
  • What do you see as possible for your clients? (i.e., Stop Smoking Forever)
  • What role might you play in helping your clients achieve those results? (A guarantee?)
  • Is there an area where you are better than others? (Do you you have more experience and training in hypnotherapy than other therapists?)
  • Is there an opportunity to serve a specific market that no other therapist is reaching? (The Sudanese population, or hearing-impaired clients)
  • Where could you be the first in the market? (Introducing a new therapeutic technique, for example)
  • Is there a specific result you can deliver? (Assessment and preparation for bariatric surgery or completion of a court-approved anger management program.)

Want more resources on how to brand yourself as a therapist? Purchase the Therapist's Guide to Branding Yourself Online.

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