Guest Post: Improving Your Online Profile

By Michele Pariza Wacek

The moment I decided to specialize as a direct response copywriter (which means you get a response directly from the marketing materials, there’s no middle person involved, like a sales rep) I knew there would be one thing that would determine if I would be eating steak or eating mac and cheese.

And what’s the one thing? The results I got for my clients.

Therefore, improving results became a pretty big focus of mine. You might even call it a passion. And that’s why today I want to share 5 tips that can help you improve the conversions of your marketing materials. (Conversions means the number of people who buy — how many people convert from leads to buyers.) You can use these tips to improve your online profile (for example, your Therapy Directory profile.)

1. Know who you’re talking to. If I hear anyone say “women are my potential customers” or “anyone with skin is my target market” (yes, that really was a direct quote from someone who sold Mary Kay or Arbonne or something like that) I will send my border collies (both of them) to your house and force you to play fetch with them until your arm falls off. Seriously, the quickest way you can end up with the most dismal results imaginable is to try and talk to everyone. Come up with a specific customer — the more specific the better — and make sure your marketing materials speak directly to that customer.

2. Make sure you write benefits, not features. This one is probably the hardest one to “get” but also one of the most critical. People buy benefits, not features, so if you only talk about features you’re just asking for people not to buy what you’re selling.

So what is the difference between features and benefits? Features are a description of a product — for instance, if we’re talking about a diet pill, a feature would that the product is a pill. A benefit would be the solution the product provides — in this case, losing weight.

As much as you possibly can, write about why someone should buy your product. No one buys diet pills because they like taking pills, they buy them to lose weight. Think of the solution your product or service provides and write about that.

3. Work on that headline. David Ogilvy, famous ad man and author of Confessions of an Advertising Man, has said that people make the decision to read your marketing materials based your headline.

Your headline should: a. speak to your potential customers, b. contain a benefit, c. be so compelling your target market is compelled to read further. That’s a lot to ask for from basically a handful of words. So don’t rush the process — take as much time as you need to create the very best headline for your particular piece.

4. Don’t forget the call to action. You’ve got to tell people what to do next. If you don’t tell them what you want them to do, chances are they won’t do anything.

Don’t assume your potential customers know what you want them to do. They don’t. They can’t read your mind. Nor do they want to. They’re busy people. They don’t have the time or the energy to figure things out. Tell them what to do next, or don’t be surprised when they don’t do anything.

5. Use P.S.’s or captions. Postscripts (P.S.) are the second most read item in a sales piece. What’s the third? Captions. (The copy under photos, diagrams or other illustrations.) Now that you know that, think of the ways you can use either or both of those items in your pieces. Maybe you put a special offer in there or you highlight a particularly compelling benefit. Or you tell them again what you want their next step to be. Whatever you do, don’t waste that space.

If you even do just one of these tips, you should start seeing better results. Work on all five and you might be amazed at how much your results improve.

About Michele: Considered one of the hottest direct response copywriters and marketing consultants in the industry today, Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist, has a reputation for crafting copy and creating online and offline marketing campaigns that get results. Michele started writing professionally in 1992, working at agencies and on staff as a marketing/communication/writing specialist. She started Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC in 1998 and has never looked back.

Marketing Your Practice - Part IV

Here’s how to find out if a specific marketing strategy is working for you:
• First of all, what do you spend per month on this marketing tactic (either in terms of money, or time, or both)?
• Do you track new client referral sources?
• How many inquiries per month do you get from this marketing source? (You probably only track how many become clients, not total inquiries.)
• How does the number of new clients from this marketing source compare to a year ago?
• What your the top referral source overall? How does this tactic compare, in terms of number of referrals?
• Do the kinds of clients I get from this marketing source match my “ideal” client profile? Do I enjoy working with these clients?
• Are these clients profitable? Do they pay, on average, a reasonable fee for the services?

Next, do some simple math. Multiply the number of clients you got from that marketing strategy last month times the number of sessions you saw them times a reasonable fee (what you actually get paid, not what you charge).

For example, you might have gotten two new clients from the Yellow Pages last month, and saw the clients a total of 4 times. You charge $100 an hour, but collect an average of $85. So take 85 x 4 x 2 = $680.

Next, look at how much you, individually, spent on your Yellow Pages ad last month. Let’s say the ad costs $475 total each month, and you and the other therapists in your practice split it 4 ways. That’s about $120 for your investment.

Your return on investment is 11-to-1 ($680 + 120 = 5.66).

Your return on investment (or ROI) should be at least 5-to-1 for any advertising you do.

If you’re not getting at least a 5-to-1 return on your Yellow Pages investment, you can do 2 things:
– Improve your Yellow Pages ad by redesigning it
– Spend the money elsewhere

Marketing Your Private Practice - Part III

You are already successful in getting SOME new clients, otherwise you wouldn’t be in practice, right?

But are you getting the right kind of clients? Ones that appeal to your clinical skills and strengths? Ones that can pay your fees — or whose insurance lists you as a preferred provider?

My goal when working with therapists is to help you identify what you’re already doing well that attracts your ideal clients and to encourage you to do more of that — but to do it consistently, so you don’t have that “feast or famine” look to your appointment books.

The temptation is to take as many billable hours as you can right now and worry about marketing later, but that’s exactly what leads to feast or famine.

The problem I find with most therapists is that when you put something on your to-do list that has to do with marketing, you’re the only one making sure it gets done. If a client emergency comes up, marketing is what suffers. That’s okay once or twice, but marketing has to be a priority — you need to be consistent. It’s better to do one thing consistently than to do four or five things only once.

I conducted a survey of therapists recently and found that the majority of therapists responding spent one hour EACH MONTH on marketing their practice. That's not really enough to build your brand. An hour a week will get you closer to filling your practice.

Some therapists nationally have done an excellent job creating their personal brand. Their name is synonymous with the work they do. What kind of work do these therapists do?
Dr. Ruth [sex]
Michele Weiner-Davis [relationships]
Frank Pittman [affairs]

You can either build your brand yourself, or capitalize on a national brand … especially a well-known one. For example, you might be “Omaha’s Dr. Ruth.”

Even if you only want a handful of new clients each month, you can attract your ideal client by conscientiously choosing what kind of clients you want to work with, and using some specific strategies to attract those kinds of clients.

For example, if you want to work with clients on stress management issues and you like the way Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) insurance reimburses, put together a brown bag lunch talk on “Reducing Stress on the Job” and pitch it to an employer who has BCBS as their insurance provider.

Read more in Part Four.

Marketing Your Private Practice - Part II

C.J. Hayden, in her book “Get Clients Now!,” outlines the six basic methods you can use to market yourself:

Direct contact and followup. Look at who has referred to you in the past. Call and ask if you can take them to lunch to thank them and learn more about how you can help the people they know.

Networking and Referral Building. If you specialize in infertility counseling, for example, you should get to know a couple of different audiences. The first is infertility docs. They are going to be your number one source of referrals, likely. The second is OB-GYNs in general, with general practice physicians coming in after that. You’ll want to find out if there are any local chapters of support groups, like RESOLVE. You might also want to connect with local pastors or ministers, who might work with parents who lost a child during birth, or before. Send them a letter and business card and then call to follow-up.

Public Speaking. Look for opportunities to speak and educate prospective clients — which also increases your visibility with referral sources. Or, look for opportunities to speak to groups of your referral sources. Every therapist in the state has numerous opportunities to speak at professional association meetings. Whether you’re speaking to the public or peers, make sure you create a handout with your contact information; have plenty of business cards on hand; and have a drawing or sign-up sheet so you can collect people’s contact information.

Writing and Publicity. Article writing is another way to increase your visibility. You can write articles to publish on your website, your blog, or for publication in newsletters — for example, association newsletters, or group newsletters. If your area has chapters of national organizations, like CHADD, they are always looking for content.

Promotional Events. Consider hosting a luncheon for a group practice of physicians. These types of events aren’t limited to pharmaceutical reps. Call the local practice and ask if you can bring in lunch and introduce yourself. Or participate in local community events, like health fairs or outreach events. You can host events for prospective clients or referral sources, or both.

Advertising. Finally, there’s advertising. This encompasses everything from newspaper and magazine ads to Yellow Pages, direct mail, and much, much more. Advertising won’t get you the results that some of your other efforts will, but it can help increase your visibility and name recognition.

More in Part Three.

Marketing Your Private Practice - Part I

 I often say in my marketing presentations that there is no secret formula or magic bullet to filling your private practice — the key to success is to select a few simple tactics and do them consistently.

I like to use the model developed by C.J. Hayden, author of “Get Clients Now!,” to help you understand how this works. Marketing is like a water system; it’s constantly “in flow.”

You start with buckets of prospects, contacts, leads, and referrals. The first stage is filling the pipeline. The second stage is following up. Then you get to the third stage — which is the “presentation” stage. For therapists, this is usually a phone conversation. Prospective clients either say “yes” or “no.” Yes is they book an appointment. No is “I’ll get back to you” or “No thanks.”

The key questions to ask yourself are: Where in this cycle are you stuck? Which stage needs more work? Do you need more people contacting you? Do you need help getting them to the point where you can talk on the phone for five minutes to see if what they need and what you offer is a good fit? Do you need help following up with folks who don’t say “Yes” right away?

Do you consistently capture the names and e-mail addresses of people who contact you? Few therapists bother to build a database of prospective clients to keep in touch with until they say yes. Even fewer actually keep in touch with those prospects. Yet it’s easy to send an informative quarterly e-mail newsletter to prospective clients who contacted you at one time.

There is also a mathematical formula at work here. The general guideline across all industries is that you need 30 people in your pipeline to yield 1 client. Because therapy clients “self-identify” themselves for the most part, I believe the ratio for therapy clients is actually closer to 6-to-1. For every 6 people who find you, one will become a client.

In order to effectively build your private practice, you need to cultivate relationships. These can be relationships with prospective clients, referral sources, insurance companies, EAP providers, or anyone else in a position to either become a client or send new clients your way.

Build your visibility in order to be in touch with enough people to convert into clients. To gain visibility, you need to market yourself.

Marketing is telling people what you do, over and over again. It’s a process where prospective clients get to know, like, and trust you.

More on this in Part Two.

Therapist Profile - 2011

Are you interested in getting more client referrals? Dozens of therapists have found that The Therapy Directory (powered by Psychology Today) can provide you with new client referrals.

Interested in learning more? Use my promotional code to receive a free 90-day trial of The Therapy Directory, and see for yourself! (Use this link:

Want to build a profile that is a virtual client magnet? I've prepared a presentation, "Building Your Online Therapist Profile" that will help you develop your listing on The Therapy Directory.

You can listen to the recording of the teleseminar using Itunes
Download a transcript of the teleseminar recording.

Want to check and see if your vanity URL is available? Click on the 1&1 banner below and search for the domain you're interested in registering.


Looking for more help with developing your profile?

Purchase the "The Therapy Directory Sign-Up Kit." For just $49, you'll receive:
  • A sign-up kit to receive your free 90-day trial to The Therapy Directory.
  • One-year registration of a vanity URL to re-direct to your Therapy Directory profile.
  • 15-minute consultation with Bridget to review and revise your Therapy Directory narrative.
If you don't want to purchase the Sign-Up Kit online, you can fax or mail your credit card information to us and we will e-mail you the Sign-Up Kit as an Adobe Acrobat PDF. 

Ready to write your own profile, and don't need the URL or consulting assistance? Sign up for your free 90-day trial of The Therapy Directory here.

Want to learn more about creating your online identity? Purchase the "Therapist's Guide to Branding Yourself Online," an e-book by Bridget (Weide) Brooks for just $19.

For more information on developing your brand:

Once you get your profile up on The Therapy Directory, if you have a fairly "general" profile (not targeted to a small niche, like trauma work), you should be receiving approximately 100 views to your profile per month, and 1-5 clients per month. If you're not getting those kinds of numbers, contact me.