Are You Media Ready?

In a few weeks, APPT will be co-sponsoring a "Media Training 101" workshop for mental health professionals. There are many reasons why therapists should be media trained. Among them are:
  • To promote the profession and the practice of mental health therapy.
  • To be able to speak to the media clearly in the event of a mental health-related crisis.
  • To generate attention for mental health-related issues, including mental health coverage and parity concerns.
  • To increase awareness of specific areas of practice (for example, eating disorders, or depression).
Even if you are shy and are not planning on seeking publicity for yourself or your practice/organization, you should be media trained.

Here are some tips to help you be more media savvy:
  • DO monitor the media to keep abreast of news being printed or broadcast about issues affecting the mental health community (public funding for mental health services, community-based treatment, consumer advocates and their impact on mental health services, "Safe Haven" legislation, etc.) and the mental health industry as a whole.
  • DO NOT be overly aggressive in seeking media coverage. Do not demand that a reporter cover your story. Instead, be courteous and respectful when dealing with media contacts and expect some disappointments along the way.
If you are interested more information about the Media Training 101 for Mental Health Therapists presented by Margaret Bumann, call Bridget at (402) 393-4600.